رفتن به مطلب

قرار دادن تبلیغات بعد از مطالب


پست های پیشنهاد شده

با سلام

من میخواهم که بعداز هر مطلبی چندتا دو تا بنر 468*60 قرار بدم. برای این کار از میزبان قالبم کمک گرفتم گفتن باید فایل loop-index.php را با احتیاط ویرایش کنید و از اونجایی که کد نویسی بلد نیستم خاستم دوستان این کدو برام ویرایش کنند و جای دو تا بنر با سایز گفته شده را قرار بدهند.

فایل loop-index.php

global $avia_config, $post_loop_count;

if(empty($post_loop_count)) $post_loop_count = 1;
$blog_style = !empty($avia_config['blog_style']) ? $avia_config['blog_style'] : avia_get_option('blog_style','multi-big');
if(is_single()) $blog_style = avia_get_option('single_post_style','single-big');
$blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "content";
$initial_id = avia_get_the_ID();
// check if we got posts to display:
if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
* get the current post id, the current post class and current post format
$url = "";
$current_post = array();
$current_post['post_loop_count']= $post_loop_count;
$current_post['the_id'] = get_the_ID();
$current_post['parity'] = $post_loop_count % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
$current_post['last'] = count($wp_query->posts) == $post_loop_count ? " post-entry-last " : "";
$current_post['post_type'] = get_post_type($current_post['the_id']);
$current_post['post_class'] = "post-entry-".$current_post['the_id']." post-loop-".$post_loop_count." post-parity-".$current_post['parity'].$current_post['last']." ".$blog_style;
$current_post['post_class'] .= ($current_post['post_type'] == "post") ? '' : ' post';
$current_post['post_format'] = get_post_format() ? get_post_format() : 'standard';
$current_post['post_layout'] = avia_layout_class('main', false);
* retrieve slider, title and content for this post,...
$size = strpos($blog_style, 'big') ? (strpos($current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar') !== false) ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'square';

if(!empty($avia_config['preview_mode']) && !empty($avia_config['image_size']) && $avia_config['preview_mode'] == 'custom') $size = $avia_config['image_size'];
$current_post['slider'] = get_the_post_thumbnail($current_post['the_id'], $size);

if(is_single($initial_id) && get_post_meta( $current_post['the_id'], '_avia_hide_featured_image', true ) ) $current_post['slider'] = "";

$current_post['title'] = get_the_title();
$current_post['content'] = $blog_content == "content" ? get_the_content(__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow"> →</span>') : get_the_excerpt();
$current_post['content'] = $blog_content == "excerpt_read_more" ? $current_post['content'].'<div class="read-more-link"><a href="'.get_permalink().'" class="more-link">'.__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow"> →</span></a></div>' : $current_post['content'];
$current_post['before_content'] = "";
* ...now apply a filter, based on the post type... (filter function is located in includes/helper-post-format.php)
$current_post = apply_filters( 'post-format-'.$current_post['post_format'], $current_post );
$with_slider = empty($current_post['slider']) ? "" : "with-slider";
* ... last apply the default wordpress filters to the content
$current_post['content'] = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', apply_filters('the_content', $current_post['content'] ));
* Now extract the variables so that $current_post['slider'] becomes $slider, $current_post['title'] becomes $title, etc

* render the html:
echo "<article class='".implode(" ", get_post_class('post-entry post-entry-type-'.$post_format . " " . $post_class . " ".$with_slider))."' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry','echo'=>false)).">";
//default link for preview images
$link = !empty($url) ? $url : get_permalink();

//preview image description
$featured_img_desc = the_title_attribute('echo=0');
//on single page replace the link with a fullscreen image
$link = avia_image_by_id(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large', 'url');

//echo preview image
if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false)
if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$featured_img_desc.'">'.$slider.'</a>';
if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>';
echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$before_content.'</div>';
echo "<div class='blog-meta'>";
$blog_meta_output = "";
$icon = '<span class="iconfont" '.av_icon_string($post_format).'></span>';
if(strpos($blog_style, 'multi') !== false)
$gravatar = "";
$link = get_post_format_link($post_format);
if($post_format == 'standard')
$author_name = apply_filters('avf_author_name', get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author), $post->post_author);
$author_email = apply_filters('avf_author_email', get_the_author_meta('email', $post->post_author), $post->post_author);

$gravatar_alt = esc_html($author_name);
$gravatar = get_avatar($author_email, '81', "blank", $gravatar_alt);
$link = get_author_posts_url($post->post_author);
$blog_meta_output = "<a href='{$link}' class='post-author-format-type'><span class='rounded-container'>".$gravatar.$icon."</span></a>";
else if(strpos($blog_style, 'small') !== false)
$blog_meta_output = "<a href='{$link}' class='small-preview' title='{$featured_img_desc}'>".$slider.$icon."</a>";
echo apply_filters('avf_loop_index_blog_meta', $blog_meta_output);
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='entry-content-wrapper clearfix {$post_format}-content'>";
echo '<header class="entry-content-header">';
echo $title;
echo "<span class='post-meta-infos'>";
$markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_time','echo'=>false));
echo "<time class='date-container minor-meta updated' $markup>".get_the_time(get_option('date_format'))."</time>";
echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-date'>/</span>";

if ( get_comments_number() != "0" || comments_open() ){
echo "<span class='comment-container minor-meta'>";
comments_popup_link( "0 ".__('Comments','avia_framework'),
"1 ".__('Comment' ,'avia_framework'),
"% ".__('Comments','avia_framework'),'comments-link',
"".__('Comments Disabled','avia_framework'));
echo "</span>";
echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-comment'>/</span>";

$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies(get_post_type($the_id));
$cats = '';
$excluded_taxonomies = apply_filters('avf_exclude_taxonomies', array('post_tag','post_format'), get_post_type($the_id), $the_id);
foreach($taxonomies as $taxonomy)
if(!in_array($taxonomy, $excluded_taxonomies))
$cats .= get_the_term_list($the_id, $taxonomy, '', ', ','').' ';
echo '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'.__('in','avia_framework')." ";
echo $cats;
echo '</span><span class="text-sep text-sep-cat">/</span>';

echo '<span class="blog-author minor-meta">'.__('by','avia_framework')." ";
echo '<span class="entry-author-link" '.avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'author_name','echo'=>false)).'>';
echo '<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn">';
echo '</span></span>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</header>';

// echo the post content
echo '<div class="entry-content" '.avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content','echo'=>false)).'>';
echo $content;
echo '</div>';
echo '<footer class="entry-footer">';
$avia_wp_link_pages_args = apply_filters('avf_wp_link_pages_args', array(
'before' =>'<nav class="pagination_split_post">'.__('Pages:','avia_framework'),
'after' =>'</nav>',
'pagelink' => '<span>%</span>',
'separator' => ' ',
if(is_single() && !post_password_required())
//tags on single post
echo '<span class="blog-tags minor-meta">';
the_tags('<strong>'.__('Tags:','avia_framework').'</strong><span> ');
echo '</span></span>';

//share links on single post


do_action('ava_after_content', $the_id, 'post');
echo '</footer>';
echo "<div class='post_delimiter'></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_author_timeline'></div>";
echo "</article>";
<article class="entry">
<header class="entry-content-header">
<h1 class='post-title entry-title'><?php _e('Nothing Found', 'avia_framework'); ?></h1>
<p class="entry-content" <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content')); ?>><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria', 'avia_framework'); ?></p>
<footer class="entry-footer"></footer>
if(empty($avia_config['remove_pagination'] ))
echo "<div class='{$blog_style}'>".avia_pagination('', 'nav')."</div>";

لینک به ارسال

به گفتگو بپیوندید

هم اکنون می توانید مطلب خود را ارسال نمایید و بعداً ثبت نام کنید. اگر حساب کاربری دارید، برای ارسال با حساب کاربری خود اکنون وارد شوید .

ارسال پاسخ به این موضوع ...

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