n1317 0 ارسال شده در تیر 94 گزارش بازنشر ارسال شده در تیر 94 خسته نباشید دوستانمن آموزشی در رابطه با کار با poedite دیدمافزونه awsome-support رو برای فارسی سازی انتخاب کردمبعد اینکه افزونه رو فارسی کردم فایلی با نام awesome-support-fa_IR با پسوند .mo استخراج کردمواونو در پوشه languages افزونه قرار دادممشکل اینجاش که هر کاری میکنم نمیتونم ترجمه رو فراخوانی کنمفایل اصلی افزونه:<?php/*** @package Awesome Support* @author ThemeAvenue <web@themeavenue.net>* @license GPL-2.0+* @link http://themeavenue.net* @copyright 2014 ThemeAvenue** @wordpress-plugin* Plugin Name: Awesome Support* Plugin URI: http://getawesomesupport.com* Description: Awesome Support is a great ticketing system that will help you improve your customer satisfaction by providing a unique customer support experience.* Version: 3.1.12* Author: ThemeAvenue* Author URI: http://themeavenue.net* Text Domain: wpas* License: GPL-2.0+* License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt* Domain Path: /languages*/[/left][left]// If this file is called directly, abort.if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {die;}[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Shortcuts*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/[/left][left]define( 'WPAS_VERSION', '3.1.12' );define( 'WPAS_DB_VERSION', '1' );define( 'WPAS_URL', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ) );define( 'WPAS_PATH', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) );define( 'WPAS_TEMPLATE_PATH', 'awesome-support/' );define( 'WPAS_ADMIN_ASSETS_URL', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/admin/' ) );define( 'WPAS_ADMIN_ASSETS_PATH', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/admin/' ) );[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Settings*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/[/left][left]define( 'WPAS_FIELDS_DESC', apply_filters( 'wpas_fields_descriptions', true ) );[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Addons*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/[/left][left]/*** Array of addons to load.** @since 3.1.5* @var array*/$wpas_addons = array();[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Shared Functionalities*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/[/left][left]require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-fallback.php' );require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-logger.php' );require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'class-awesome-support.php' );[/left][left]/*** Register hooks that are fired when the plugin is activated or deactivated.* When the plugin is deleted, the uninstall.php file is loaded.*/register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'Awesome_Support', 'activate' ) );[/left][left]/*** Get an instance of the plugin*/add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'Awesome_Support', 'get_instance' ) );[/left][left]/*** Load addons.** A couple of addons are built in the plugin.* We load them here.*/require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/addons/custom-fields/class-custom-fields.php' );require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/addons/file-uploader/class-file-uploader.php' );require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/addons/class-mailgun-email-check.php' );[/left][left]/*** Call all classes and functions files that are shared* through the backend and the frontend. The files only used* by the backend or the frontend are loaded* by their respective classes.*/require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-post.php' ); // All the functions related to opening a ticket and submitting repliesrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-user.php' ); // Everything related to user login, registration and capabilitiesrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-addons.php' ); // Addons functions and autoloaderrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-log-history.php' ); // Logging classrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-email-notifications.php' ); // E-mail notification classrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-general.php' ); // Functions that are used both in back-end and front-endrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-custom-fields.php' ); // Submission form related functionsrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/functions-templating.php' ); // Templating functionrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-post-type.php' ); // Register post types and related functionsrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-product-sync.php' ); // Keep the product taxonomy in sync with e-commerce productsrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-gist.php' ); // Add oEmbed support for Gistsrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-wpas-editor-ajax.php' ); // Helper class to load a wp_editor instance via Ajax[/left][left]/*** Check if dependencies are loaded.** The plugin uses a certain number of dependencies managed through Composer.* If those dependencies are not loaded the plugin won't work.** In order to avoid errors we check if dependencies are present. If not we simply* don't load the plugin.** This problem won't happen with the production version as we have scripts* doing all the work, but on the development version this can be a problem.** @since 3.0.2*/if ( ! Awesome_Support::dependencies_loaded() ) {add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wpas_missing_dependencied' );}[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Public-Facing Only Functionality*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/if ( ! is_admin() && Awesome_Support::dependencies_loaded() ) {require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/class-notification.php' ); // Load notifications classrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/shortcodes/shortcode-tickets.php' ); // The plugin main shortcodesrequire_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/shortcodes/shortcode-submit.php' ); // The plugin main shortcode-submit}[/left][left]/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Dashboard and Administrative Functionality*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/[/left][left]/*** The code below is intended to to give the lightest footprint possible.*/if ( is_admin() && Awesome_Support::dependencies_loaded() ) {[/left][left]/* Load main admin class */require_once( WPAS_PATH . 'includes/admin/class-admin.php' );add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'Awesome_Support_Admin', 'get_instance' ) );[/left][left]/* Load the MailGun e-mail check settings */add_filter( 'wpas_plugin_settings', array( 'WPAS_MailGun_EMail_Check', 'settings' ), 10, 1 );[/left][left]/** * Add link ot settings tab */add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), array( 'Awesome_Support_Admin', 'settings_page_link' ) );[/left][left]}[/left][left]/*** Start the session if needed.*/if ( ! session_id() && ! headers_sent() ) {session_start();}من از کدهای زیادی استفاده کردم ولی ترجمه رو نشناختمن از چه کدی استفاده کنم؟واقعا گیج شدم باور کنید سردردم گرفتمممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید. لینک به ارسال
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